I thought I was beat here, when I recalled the Toy Maker's Bag recently handed out for Wintersday. Specifically regarding the BACK SLOT however, you will find there IS no back piece to buy which is white or Account Bound.
The item will no longer be Soulbound, and you can now transfer your skin. So I asked around, and was nicely informed (thanks Aggro) that you could transfer Soulbound skins to Alts with a very simple method: You take your Soulbound item, and you Transmute it with a White quality item of the same type. 'Boy, it sure would be nice if I could use these darn Mad King back pieces on DIFFERENT characters, stupid Soulbinding.'
Yesterday however, I became quite bothered upon realizing my soon-to-be-obtained Fractal back piece has a cool graphic I would like to use.on the same character with the Flame Book. This was mildly annoying as I would have liked to use the Green one on another toon, but it was still just the lame green one, so I left it in my bank and continued to sport my fancy Flame one. Listen and learn my friends : )īackstory: I had two Mad King back pieces that were both soulbound to my main. So, I decided to post this to help others avoid my frustrating mistake.